Extensive experience in the use of geotextiles
Geotextiles for drainage, filtration, stabilization, and reinforcement in paving, resurfacing, retaining walls, slope stability, embankments, and drainage systems.
Geosintéticos Ltda. is an allied distributor of Pavco Geotextiles, which, due to their advanced manufacturing technology, meet the mechanical and hydraulic properties required by standards for various types of projects at a lower cost.
Geotextiles for Roads
The lifespan of roads is extended through the use of geotextiles, which provide a permanent separation between the sub-base and the subgrade. In areas with saturated soils and high groundwater levels, fine and soft soils can intrude into the pavement structure due to vehicular traffic. These conditions reduce the thickness of the aggregate initially calculated, thereby diminishing the useful life of the structure. The primary cause of pavement failures is the contamination of the sub-base and subgrade. In the short term, under traffic loads, fine materials such as clay and silt intrude into the sub-base, compromising the integrity of the pavement structure. This is where geotextiles play a crucial role.
We offer a complete line of woven and non-woven geotextiles designed to enhance the performance of roads, temporary pathways, airports, parking lots, loading yards, and more. The main source of pavement deterioration is water intrusion into its structure through cracks. When repaving a road using geotextiles between the damaged surface and the new layer, an impermeable barrier is created that prevents surface water from reaching the base and sub-base, thus protecting them from deterioration caused by water penetration. Furthermore, geotextiles help delay the reflection of cracks from the old surface to the new one, extending the pavement's lifespan. For this application, Geosynthetics provides geotextiles specifically engineered for demanding conditions, including roads, airports, bike paths, ports, and more.
Geotextiles in Retaining Walls
Los muros de contención permiten que se maximice la utilización del suelo de relleno. La construcción de muros en concreto reforzado es demorada y costosa.
Los geotextiles son utilizados en aplicaciones de refuerzo, se incluyen terraplenes, presas, taludes, diques y muros de contención.
Con la ayuda de geotextiles se pueden construir muros de contención con fachadas de ladrillo, concreto, madera o con cualquier tipo de revegetalización. Un muro de contención utilizando geotextiles se construye con menos de la mitad del valor de un muro en concreto reforzado.
Los geotextiles tejidos de Geosintéticos ofrecen ventajas significativas en rendimientos de instalación comparado con métodos convencionales y la facilidad de utilizar cualquier tipo de relleno siempre y cuando sus parámetros geotécnicos de resistencia sean conocidos.
Geotextiles in Subsurface Drainage
Geotextiles have been used as filters in drainage systems with excellent results for the past 20 years.
These geotextile filters are employed in roads, streets, airports, oil platforms, sports fields, and building foundations.
Geotextiles in Erosion Control
Geotextiles have replaced granular filters used beneath riprap or other types of revetment materials. Their applications include the construction of channels, coastal protection, riverbank protection, ports, and dams. Geosintéticos geotextiles function as filters, playing a critical role in preventing fine fill materials from migrating through the coarse revetment materials due to the negative pressure effects caused by waves or changes in water levels.
The selection of geotextiles for erosion control is similar to that for subsurface drainage from a hydraulic design perspective. However, erosion control applications generally require geotextiles with higher mechanical properties, as they must exhibit good resistance during the placement of riprap on top of the geotextiles and withstand mechanical stresses during project operations against wave action.
Geotextiles in Containment Systems
Non-woven geotextiles are commonly used in landfills as filters in leachate collection systems and to protect geomembranes from puncturing.
Non-woven geotextiles are also utilized in oxidation lagoons, where they serve as a protective layer for the geomembrane and create a planar gas evacuation system between the geomembrane and the soil, preventing gas pockets from forming beneath the geomembrane.
High-strength woven geotextiles are used to protect geomembranes from excessive tension caused by differential settlement over soft soils.
Geotextiles are also employed in landfills as temporary daily covers, reducing odors and preventing migration during windy conditions.
Temporary silt fences play a vital role in the construction industry. During excavation processes, it is essential to confine the soil to prevent contamination of surrounding areas, in compliance with environmental regulations.
In river, channel, or seabed dredging processes, it is necessary to contain and confine the resulting spoil to prevent soils or sediments from returning to their original locations.
Geotextiles en Control del Sedimento “Silt Fences” Colchacretos (Flexocreto)
For erosion control in channels, dams, and the protection of geotubes, Geosintéticos offers specialized personnel and equipment for the installation and filling of geotextile bags.
Our geotextiles provide an economical solution for environmental protection. We manufacture woven and non-woven polypropylene geotextiles for silt fences that are specifically designed to withstand exposure to ultraviolet rays. Additionally, these geotextiles feature straps tailored for anchoring to wooden posts.
Geotextiles in Road Resurfacing
Geotextiles diseñados para reforzar e impermeabilizar bases y carpetas asfálticas
Improve the quality and durability of your infrastructure projects with our high-tech geotextiles. Safeguard roads, stabilize slopes, reinforce retaining walls, and optimize drainage systems with our efficient and cost-effective solutions. Contact us today for personalized technical advice and maximize the performance of your projects!