Experts in the management, supply and installation of geobarriers
Geobarricades are composed of a high-strength geosynthetic material, stabilized against ultraviolet rays, an arrangement of wooden posts, and a fill of soil.
The geosynthetic (geobarricades) is encapsulated between two parallel rows of wooden posts, spaced 1.50 m apart and 1.50 m apart longitudinally. The geobarricades are filled with site soil and semi-compacted with the assistance of an excavator.
These geobarricades are placed on embankments to increase their height (crest elevation) and prevent river water from passing through.
This system (geobarricades) allows for rapid installation. After an emergency situation, you can plant Kikuyu grass or any type of vegetation, enhancing its appearance and integrating it as part of the system.
The height of the geobarricades is H = 1.0 m.