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Extensive experience in the management of biodigesters

Biodigesters are biological treatment plants that utilize anaerobic digestion (in the absence of oxygen) by bacteria to transform manure into biogas and biofertilizer.


Biogas is primarily composed of methane, which can be used as fuel in stoves, boilers, and generators. In larger installations, it can power an engine that generates electricity. Our biodigesters provide an alternative and renewable energy source.


Initially considered a byproduct, the biofertilizer is now recognized as equally important, if not more so, than biogas. It offers a natural fertilizer that optimizes production systems and reduces the use of chemical inputs. Our biodigesters facilitate the production of this valuable resource.


These systems are easy to implement using economical materials, making them suitable for isolated rural communities. They provide the dual benefit of addressing energy and environmental challenges while enabling proper management of both human and animal waste.


To support our biodigesters, we have the expertise and guidance of Engineer Felipe Devis Posada, an Agronomy Engineer with a degree in Natural Sciences.

Transform Your Community Today!

Discover how our biodigesters can revolutionize waste management and provide you with a renewable energy source.


Contact us for more information and personalized advice.


Together, we can build a more sustainable and efficient future.

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